recorded 16 October 2008
While it seems early, especially for me to start talking about Christmas, it’s a necessity from a singer’s point of view. The Holidays are traditionally the biggest time of the performance year and now comes the scheduling rush. But also, there’s a bit more promotion going on recently and here’s how some of what 4-AM does is being marketed now. With more music and video which has been recently recorded as part of getting the word out.
4-AM in ‘A White Christmas Holiday Revue’ on:
- [Update: website no longer exists]
- and lest we forget… [Update: website no longer exists]
Merry Maskers on:
- [Update: website no longer exists]
Plus, a little bit of talk about the 1 year anniversary of With A Voice Like This coming up and talk of a new release of the Christmas EP With A Voice Like This Christmas. Now is the time to talk if you want to work during the holidays.
Comments From the Podcast Gallery
This show we heard from Andrea from the Geek Is Chic podcast and Matt from The Plug Show.
Question For You
When you go to a band’s website, do you prefer to see their gigs in a chronological list or in a calendar format?
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