When I’m in the middle of a project like this or I’m singing a lot, like the Christmas caroling work, sometimes I forget to listen to music. I’m not one of those people who can have music playing in the background when I’m doing other things, there are some exceptions to that rule, but not many. And a part of me sometimes wishes I could, but I wouldn’t have it any other way, if I had the choice.
I used to explain away with my music education, always having to analyze and critique but it’s really more than that and part of the reason I got involved in music at all. Music grabs my full attention… it doesn’t wait for me to listen and pay attention, it takes it. And that’s what appeals to me about it. And it works for listening to or making music.
The reaction is different for different pieces. Sometimes it’s being moved to laughter, sometimes to tears and sometimes to that slight smile of something remembered. Sometimes to dancing, sometimes to silence and sometimes to awe. And sometimes…To everyone and everything around you disappearing.
It’s not always dramatic, but it’s always something…It’s always there. And that’s why, especially when all the music is flowing out from me, that I have to stop and remember to listen to music, to get some of that back.