Literally. It was one of those weird, “I remember it well” dream moments. It was the song You’ll Think of Me by Keith Urban. The song starts “I woke up early this morning around four am, with the moon shining bright as headlights on the…” and that’s when I woke up singing the end of the phrase, the word
Okay, no more sleep for me. The first thing I do is check the clock, yep, it’s 4AM. And at that time of day, everything is full of subtext. Here’s my subtext from all of that:
- You’ll think of Me is a song that Jim & Tim does. I don’t sing lead on it, but it’s in both of our ranges, so either one of us can do it (and have).
- Okay, not only does the song talk about waking up at 4 AM and I did exactly that, but I’m also a part of the group called 4-AM, which is short for 4 A cappella Musicians.
- 4-AM does a Keith Urban song But For the Grace Of God and I do sing lead on that one. I arranged it for the group.
- I woke up singing the end of the phrase I was dreaming about! How wild is that?
Now, here’s my takeaway. I’m going crazy…wait, I already knew that, so scratch that explanation.
It seems natural that I would dream about a song that I sing with one of the groups, so I guess that isn’t so surprising. It’s more that the song has ties to both of the groups I’m in and that it ties them together so well. Maybe the subconscious mind is paying attention, eh? At any rate, more than anything else, it says to me I want to, maybe even need to sing more. I’m just not singing enough so that I end up waking up singing. And while that makes sense, it comes down to a question. How do I make that happen? Saying I want to sing more with Jim & Tim and 4-AM is the easy part, making it happen is something completely different. And something I’m working on right now and trying things new and old.
I also think it’s something that’s going to happen as well. I think that’s what my subconscious is trying to tell me too. Stay tuned to see if my subconscious is right, I know I will.
One last thing. I’m half glad, half sorry that I don’t have a video of that. I know I’ll be hearing about for awhile as other people hear the story. Hey, if you’re going to hear voices in your head, they might as well be singing, right?
Photo Credit: cliff1066