A Base of Technique
Recorded on February 8, 2008 – VoiceQuest Inc. is a Chicago-based performance studio founded by Gillian Kelly and Claire Bigley. In this episode and the first half of the interview, I speak with Gillian about her training, past experiences and what brought her to the point of starting VoiceQuest Inc. Other topics discussed, Voice Teacher and Vocal Coach and the differences and how they are combined at VoiceQuest Inc. and all their offerings at the studio including performance classes and opportunities. Also, we talk about Davenport’s, a piano bar and cabaret in Chicago and why technique is so important in the teaching of singing. And a bit about the innovative way they use the web. VoiceQuest Inc. can be found at http://VoiceQuestInc.com.
More to come in the second half of the interview.
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