Recorded 30 January 2009

This episode of With A Voice Like This I’m speaking with Dave Kusek, co-author of the book The Future of Music: Manifesto for the Digital Music Revolution.
It’s been four years since the book came out and this show starts with what has changed and what has stayed the same since the book was published. But there’s a twist. At the beginning of the show I asked that we not focus on the technology itself for the entire interview, since the book had so much more to offer than just a discussion of technology. Among other thing we talk about what’s going on in China currently, the Universal Mobile Device (UMD) and of course, the Music like Water concept.
News You can Use
Monday 9 February at 5:30pm cst, the Musicians at Work Forum is going to be Licensing Your Music for Commercial Use. The Forum will be in the Claudia Cassidy Theater at the Chicago Cultural Center and is put on by Chicago Music Commission and the City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs.
For more information about Dave Kusek or how to purchase the book The Future of Music, you can visit his Blog Future of Music or follow him on Twitter.
Want to be a part of the show? All you have to do is send an e-mail to [email protected] or call the Comments from the Podcast Gallery voicemail line at 630.492.0487 and leave your questions, comments or suggestions and they’ll be on the show.
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